
Q: Who are the mythic Omniscient, Omnipotent & Omnivorous anyway?
A: Behind the myth lie three brilliant, nay, awesome mystics of unseen before might and - yeah, okay, we’re two university students and one postgraduate who have been playing Pen n’ Paper RPG for a long time now. Omnipotent is in IT and fiddles with music. Omniscient is an industrial designer. Omnivorous is also in IT, and dabbles with one thing or another until bored.

Q: What is this Ennead you speak of?
A: Besides the name for the Egyptian Pantheon(check wikipedia), it’s the name for our upcoming setting.

Q: I’m intrigued. What, pray, is this setting about?
A: Ennead presents the world of Kyrcera; a disk, dominated by a large ocean and a continent sized island which shares with it, its name. It’s a land divided by war fought by three factions, struggling for primacy. It is a medieval society with some bits of renaissance technology, topped with a supernatural element, that is in its lesser form ever present, in its highest, mythic in scope.

Q: Where can I learn more?
A: We will upload a setting overview soon.

Q: How can I give you my money?
A: We’re currently preparing a Kickstarter Campaign which will launch shortly. When it does, links will be provided here.

Q: I’m shocked and amazed by your industriousness! What will that be about?
A: In short, it’ll be an ingame book of an Imperial historian(check “where can I learn more”). A link to a relevant post will be provided in the next few days.

Q: Will you make more?
A: Depends on the success of the kickstarter. We certainly hope so.

Q: Why don’t you have an Ennead main book?
A: It’s a design decision. We’ve planned this out as follows: First, we provide a free overview of the setting that allows one to grasp a vague idea and fiddle with it. That is followed by an in-game book from a Mythirrial  perspective to give a better feel for the setting - and to get the necessary feedback. And finally, having gathered said feedback, we will make the appropriate adjustments and publish the main book.

Q: I don’t like your setting.
A: That's not a question.
(Omnipotent): Unleash the KRAKEN!!!!

Q: When will the main rulebook be ready?
A: Whenever it’s ready.

Q: Can I send you ideas?
A: Yup! It’s the main reason we publish in this unorthodox manner. (See Why don’t you make an Ennead main book). Contact us.

Q: Why haven’t you inserted my idea?

  • Haven’t received it.
  • Didn’t like it.
  • Temporal vortex.
A: Pick one. No, seriously, if you haven’t gotten any feedback in a month, tops, send us an email because it’s possible something went kablooey with the contact form. Even in rejected ideas we will at least tell you “Sorry, No”. In case of temporal vortex, break glass.

Q: Are you affiliated with any game companies?
A: Not at the moment. Why? Are you interested? Are you a game company? Will you take us? Please! We won’t be a fuss! We will clean the house and feed the cat too! Nooooo don’t goooo!

Q: I’ve noticed you have hosting issues. Will this continue in the future?
A: Short answer: In the near future, yes. We’re kind of moving the site around for now, trying to ensure it finds a permanent home with a pair of loving servers. Still, if you wish to report the problem and it’s something our admin, the Daemon Malevolent, can fix you can contact it… on your own peril.